

SF/ Bay Area NetSuite User Group Meetup, Hosted By ODE Cloud

What a great session with Josh Meiri (Director Business Systems at Zscaler) in our offices for the Bay Area NetSuite User group, August 21st meetup. It’s always a great pleasure to discover creative solutions these NetSuite clients have built. 

View Meetup Presentation

Last time, Chong Ee from Okta, presented a way to approve or reject approval requests from NetSuite workflow by replying to an email. Josh presented a NetSuite health checklist that any NetSuite Admin should always have handy to ensure correct use of NetSuite.

Last session was hosted by Dave McCutcheon and his team from Tesorio. I met with them 2 years ago, before Tesorio embarked on the NetSuite journey with its Built-for-NetSuite solution. It’s great to see their evolution and success. You should definitely check them out if your company’s cash flow management needs optimization.

I hope we’ll see you at the next one.

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